Bird Enrichment idea #8 (view all)

updated 07/27/08 03:02PM

Difficulty: easy

*Loofahs (from the dollar store)      *Treats
*Straws                               *Cellophane strips
*plastic chain                        *Bell


The loofahs are tied to plastic chain with straws. Both cellophane and cloth strips are also tied to the chain as are extra straws. NOTE: There is some concern about using cellophane as it does not go through the digestive tract. I used it for the color and sound. My birds have never tried to eat it. But if you think your bird might-don't use it! A bell tied at the bottom and a few nuts wedged inside a couple of the loofahs and that is it! Herbie almost had the loofahs destroyed before the assemble was put together. He went at this from all directions, hanging upside down, chewing the inside of the loofah, than the outside, sometimes from the top, sometimes from the bottom. And he goes back to it constantly. Put this enrichment at the top of the list to try!

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World Wildlife Fund Wild parrots spend 60% of their day foraging for food. World Parrot Trust