Bird Enrichment idea #190 (view all)

Basket with Bells
updated 03/17/11 02:32PM

Difficulty: easy

* Basket
* Bells
* Straws 
* Twirly Whirly Tool
* Strips of fleece 
* Milk/juice jug caps
* Yarn
* Zippy tie


Began by drilling holes in enough milk lids to go around the outside of the basket. Attach each lid with a piece of yarn, using a yarn needle. Next, make strips from the fleece, poked each one through the edge of the basket, slip on a bell and knot them. There are 6 bells on this toy. I have also used wire to reinforce the clapper. Cut straws with the Twirly Whirly tool and use a zippy tie to attach to the inside of the basket.

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World Wildlife Fund Busy beaks are happy beaks. World Parrot Trust