Bird Enrichment idea #181 (view all)

Cork Bottle
updated 09/08/10 05:21PM

Difficulty: easy

* Sports drink plastic bottle
(the plastic is thicker than that of a water bottle) * Wine corks, both cork and plastic * Poker chips * A little of your bird's regular diet and or treats


Carefully cut random slits into the bottle and insert poker chips. Chips should fit snugly. Carefully cut random crisscrosses that will allow the corks to fit snugly. Fill the bottle with corks and a little diet or treats. I have a friend who works at the Country Club and she saves wine corks for me by the bagful. Unless you drink a lot of wine, you will have to ask friends (or a restaurant) to help save them for you.

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World Wildlife Fund Wild parrots spend 60% of their day foraging for food. World Parrot Trust