Bird Enrichment idea #149 (view all)

Tree Of Many Colors
updated 07/10/09 04:19PM

Difficulty: easy

* plastic baby toys  * plastic building toys
* branch             * cement
* tissue paper       * rocks or decorative stones
* flower pot


I used a little leftover cement I had from my garden stepping stone project and filled a plastic flower pot. Stuck in a branch and slipped on the plastic toys. The tissue paper for tearing off, the stones for throwing around (and covering up the cement), the plastic toys for destroying,and big enough to climb on-a perfect toy! Plus, I only paid 25 cents for the toys at a yard sale and the rest of the materials I had around the house. I first put this toy on the floor of Herbie's indoor cage. It seemed like he lost interest in it quickly. I than moved it to a higher spot, on top of his wooden box. That's what he wanted, he played hard with it after that.

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World Wildlife Fund The comfiest cage is still a cage. World Parrot Trust